
The rules that save your life!

1. Situations at risk.
All situations involving an increase in the level of risk or a decrease in the level of safety must be reported.
2. Drive safely: transport, vehicles, people.
Traffic rules must always be respected both inside and outside the site and on the commute from home to work.
3. Gestures - postures - tools.
Any unsuitable posture when using objects or work tools can lead to musculoskeletal problems.
4. Work permits, guaranteed!
All jobs carried out on a site require a work permit especially for non-routine and dangerous activities.
5. Dpi.
Collective protection devices are to be considered as a priority. Individual ones are a complement to the prevention measures already adopted.
6. Lifting and handling operations, a job for professionals!
The jobs for which the use of cranes or other lifting devices are foreseen require: a preliminary risk analysis; the use of duly informed and trained people; vehicles and equipment in good condition; a control and delimitation of the area.
7. Work on energised systems.
Before working on systems powered by energy (electrical, mechanical, hydraulic ...) it is necessary to make sure that the energy source is isolated and interrupted and that the system is drained.
8. Confined spaces but never without a work permit!
Work in a confined space (tanks, wells, basins ...) can only be carried out under surveillance and after checks on the atmosphere, specific training and enhancement of emergency measures and procedures have been carried out.
9. Dig Safe.
Excavation work, carried out manually or mechanically, can only be started after a risk analysis aimed at identifying all the dangers present in the work field and with the aid of inspection and diagnostic technologies.
10. Working from high level sites.
This type of work must be carried out in the presence of collective protective equipment (DPC). Each operator must be equipped with suitable personal protective equipment (PPE).
11. Simultaneous operations, the risk increases!
All jobs that are carried out simultaneously in the same place can generate an increased level of risk due to interference.
12. Toxic gases.
In the presence of toxic gases, strict procedures, training and field training, and suitable collective and individual PPE cannot be ignored.
13. Dealing with change, think before you act.
Any technical or organizational change is subject to a risk analysis. No modification can be made without prior identification and authorization.